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What is the equivalent of Python's struct.pack(fmt, v1, v2, ...) in C# .NET?

What is the equivalent of Python's struct.pack(fmt, v1, v2, ...) in C# .NET? I have the following struct defined in C#

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=1)]
    struct user {
        public char id;
        public int age; 

And would like to unpack it in Python application by using struct.unpack('<ci',myStringedStruct)

I was planing to use BinaryWriter into MemoryStream as suggested by Jon Skeet. However, BinaryWriter only write primitive types, and I have a struct.


  • You can write the fields one after another to the BinaryWriter:

    User user = ...
    using (BinaryWriter writer = ...)
    • BinaryWriter uses the endianness of the platform, i.e., little endian on x86/x64.
    • "c – char – string of length 1 – 1 byte" is a byte in C#. Write(byte)
    • "i – int – integer – 4 bytes" is an int in C#. Write(Int32)

    There is no pack/unpack-like functionality built into the .NET Framework.1

    1. When you're p/invoking native code, there's Interop Marshaling. But you're not p/invoking native code.