I have following JDBC code:
Connection conn = connectUserDataSource();
// Setting auto commit to false to execute all queries as part of transaction
PreparedStatement deletePreparedStatement = null;
PreparedStatement insertPreparedStatement = null;
deletePreparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sqlDelete);
deletePreparedStatement.setInt(1, someId);
insertPreparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sqlInsert);
for(SomeObject obj : objects)
insertPreparedStatement.setInt(1, obj.getId());
// committing transaction
transactionComplete = true;
And I would like 2 prepared statements to be part of one JDBC transaction. I am wondering whether order at which they are created will be the execution order of SQL statements: delete first and inserts - after.
They are executed from top to bottom, so in the order you did it, the deletes will execute first and the insert after them.