I am using Hibernate custom user type to map enum to a table varchar/char. I am using custom user type code from here (https://community.jboss.org/wiki/Java5StringValuedEnumUserType). I am trying following annotation to do the mapping but its not working.
@Type(type = "data.model.base.StringValuedEnumType", parameters = {
@Parameter(name = "enumClass", value = "data.common.TypeEnum"),
@Parameter(name = "identifierMethod", value = "dbCode") })
private TypeEnum typeEnum;
TypeEnum code:
public enum TypeEnum implements StringValuedEnum {
OFF("OFF", "O"),
ON("ON, "O"),
private String dbCode;
private String desc;
TypeEnum(String desc, String dbCode) {
this.dbCode = dbCode;
public String dbCode() {
return dbCode;
public String desc() {
return desc;
I believe I am doing something wrong in the annotation but I am not able to figure out what is it. Any idea anyone?
I have found it. I updated the annotation by removing @Transient and adding in a @Column for the mapping. I also updated the code to take care of the passed name and removed defaultValue.
@Column(name = "TYP_CD", length = 1)
@Type(type = "data.model.base.StringValuedEnumType", parameters = {
@Parameter(name = "enumClass", value = "data.common.TypeEnum")})
private TypeEnum typeEnum;