Would someone please tell me why i am getting a dead code warning in the else branch of if (projectId != null)
? If i got this right, the interpreter thinks projectId
can never be null - is that right? In my opinion this is not possible...
Integer projectId = null;
if (!sprintTaskConnections.isEmpty())
projectId = sprintTaskConnections.get(0).getProjectId();
// init name, state, startDate, endDate here
JiraSprint sprint = new JiraSprint(sprintInfo.getInt("id"), name, state, projectId, startDate, endDate);
if (projectId != null)
Even if i put a
sprintTaskConnections.add(new JiraSprintTaskConnection(1, 1, 1));
or a
in front of
if (!sprintTaskConnections.isEmpty())
projectId = sprintTaskConnections.get(0).getProjectId();
the result is always the same!
Please help me, i just don't get it at the moment!
I don't have the JiraSprint
code, so I can't confirm this, but I suspect the JiraSprint constructor takes an int
where you pass in the projectId rather than an Integer
. That forces Java to auto-unbox the Integer. If the Integer projectId
is null, you'll get a NullPointerException
(because of the auto-unboxing) there, so you won't even get to the if block. Therefore, projectId must not be null.