I am using jasper report
to download some document in pdf format. I have several subreports and their content may vary according the data coming and hence height of each subreport changes on runtime.
I required to set a border on each subreport after lots of google I found backgroung band can draw the border. Border is shown but its height is not changing according the data coming from database.
Following is my background band:
<band height="66" splitType="Stretch">
<reportElement uuid="dedc4468-e4b5-4aec-8979-0c6b9a0c0ded" positionType="Float" stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject" x="0" y="0" width="515" height="66"/>
<topPen lineWidth="2.0" lineStyle="Solid"/>
<leftPen lineWidth="2.0" lineStyle="Solid"/>
<bottomPen lineWidth="2.0" lineStyle="Solid"/>
<rightPen lineWidth="2.0" lineStyle="Solid"/>
So my problem is how can I expand or resize the height of the background band?
Note:- I am using dynamic jasper
report because the positions of jasper subreport may vary.
Instead of using the background band to do the border, you could take an alternative approach, using frames to add a border directly to the content bands.
See my answer to this question: How to draw a border around both the column header, footer and detail sections?