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Alternative way to implement state machines in VHDL

I have seen many state machines implemented like this one from Altera:

ARCHITECTURE a OF state_machine IS
   TYPE STATE_TYPE IS (s0, s1, s2);
   SIGNAL state   : STATE_TYPE;
   PROCESS (clk, reset)
      IF reset = '1' THEN
         state <= s0;
      ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN
      CASE state IS
     WHEN ...

An alterantive to that would be this:

ARCHITECTURE a OF state_machine IS
   TYPE STATE_TYPE IS (s0, s1, s2);
   PROCESS (clk, reset)
      VARIABLE state : STATE_TYPE := s0;
      IF reset = '1' THEN
         state <= s0;
      ELSIF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN
      CASE state IS
     WHEN ...

What are the pros (if any) and cons of doing it the alternative way? I have only seen the alternative in one place and I'm guessing there must be some good reason for that.


  • I like to keep local things local, so if the state information is needed only within the process, I use a variable. In that case, I also like to declare the state type inside the process:

    ARCHITECTURE a OF state_machine IS
       PROCESS (clk, reset)
          TYPE STATE_TYPE IS (s0, s1, s2);
          VARIABLE state : STATE_TYPE := s0;

    In the rare cases where I need to access the state of an FSM from another process (e.g. interactive state machines), I'll use a signal for storing the state.

    The signal vs. variable decision if often a matter of taste. Some developers think that variables are evil and will never use them. Others (like me) use them whenever they can to keep local things local. As a bonus, since variables are more lightweight objects than signals, they also simulate faster.