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Castor and sockets

I'm new to Castor and data binding in general. I'm working on an application that, in part, needs to take data off of a socket and unmarshall the data to make POJOs. Now, I've got the socket stuff down, and I've even generated and compiled java files thanks to Ant and Castor.

Here's the problem: the data stream that I'll receive could be one of about 9 different objects. That is, I receive a stream of text (XML) that represents an object with stuff that I'll operate on; again, depending on the object type. If it were just one object, it'd be easy: call the unmarshall commands on it and go on my merry way. But, since it could be one of many kinds of objects, who do I know what to unmarshall? I read up on mapping, but either I didn't get it, or it seems like a static mapping, not a dynamic mapping.

Any help out there?


  • I appreciate your insights. You both have given me some good information to go on and new knowledge that I didn't have. In the end, I got the process to work via a hack. I grab the text stream, parse out the root tag of the message, and then switch on it to determine the right object to create. I'm unmarshalling all of my objects independently and everyone is happy on our end.