I have a list of days and time and I want to create a reminder for all days with time. Example : monday 10am 12am 15pm friday 10am 12am 15pm saturday 10am 12am 15pm every week. I know that an application can store 50 reminders but I think users open application before :D
I don't understand the logic in my mind tonight :( Please help me. Best regards
I have a list of days.Exemple : Monday Tuesday Saturday and i want a reminder for dat tree days all week.
private ObservableCollection<Day> _days;
public ObservableCollection<Day> Days
get { return _days; }
set { _days = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Days"); }
Create reminder :
Reminder r = new Reminder("Time To Train!!!");
r.Content = AppResources.TimeToTrain;
r.BeginTime = //Here the problem;
r.ExpirationTime = //Here the problem //DateTime.Now.AddDays(52 * 7));
r.RecurrenceType = RecurrenceInterval.Weekly;
r.NavigationUri = new Uri("/View/MainPage.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
I look this post for take some idea.Windows Phone 7 Reminders. I have a list of times.Exemple 10:14am 17:00pm.
private ObservableCollection<DateTime> _times;
public ObservableCollection<DateTime> Times
get { return _days; }
set { _days = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Times"); }
I want to create reminder now for all times at all days. Reminder for monday at 10:14am and 17:00pm / Tuesday at 10:14am and 17:00pm / Saturday at 10:14am and 17:00pm
So let's say you want to create a reminder for 12 AM Monday. I'd first create a method to find out first "occurrence" of Monday in the future, something like this:
private DateTime getFirstDate(DayOfWeek day, TimeSpan time)
DateTime date = DateTime.Today;
while(date.DayOfWeek != day)
return new DateTime(date.Year,date.Month,date.Day,time.Hours,time.Minutes,time.Seconds);
And then use it in your code like this:
r.BeginTime = getFirstDate(DayOfWeek.Monday, new TimeSpan(12,0,0));
It only creates a reminder for the closest Monday, but you can do the same thing when this reminder is triggered- create one for the next Monday.