I am not able to clone or push to a git repository at Bitbucket in Eclipse:
It's weird, because a day before I didn't have any problem. I have downloaded the sts 3 times with no luck. This error keeps showing. Also I have installed SourceTree and it says 'This is not a valid source path / URL':
If I use git commands to import the project, it works, but I wan't to use EGit for this task, since I am a newbie with git.
I don't know if this has to do with it, but in the same directory I have the android-adt-bundle. This one works pretty well, but the project lies on GitHub and not Bitbucket. Also, I'm working with another person and he is able to fetch and push data from and to the Bitbucket repository. I have read lots of posts but none of them have helped me out.
I'm using Windows 7 btw.
Finally I made it work thanks to the steps outlined in the Eclipse forum:
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add C:/User/you/ssh/id_rsa
ssh git@github.com
Here is what you just did: You ran the ssh-agent which is needed by ssh-add. Then you used ssh-add to make note of the location of your key. Then you tried to ssh to GitHub. The response to this last command should be that you have successfully authenticated at GitHub but that you don't have shell access. This is just an authentication test. If the authentication was not successful, you'll have to sort that out. Try the verbose version:
ssh -v git@github.com
Assuming this worked....
Select ssh as the protocol but then go back to the URI box and add "git+" at the beginning so it looks like this:
In the Repository Path box, remove the leading slash
Instead of using SSH git@github.com I did it with SSH git@bitbucket.org.
Now I can push and import without any problem.