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Want to generate graph using perfmon plugin in Jmeter?

As per project requirement i am using JMeter as Loadtesting tool. JMeterPlugin available on really leverages your overall load testing results. I am using perfmon plugin and capture CPU,Memory, Disk IO and Network IO (this internally uses SIGAR framwrok). That works fine in UI Mode, but while i launched Jmeter using ANT in non gui mode, it's able to generate graphs specific to Jmeter (Response time,TPS, etc) but not able to generate System matrices which i included in test plan. did any one has tried this Plugin in Non GUI mode?

Please find below snippet of build.xml

<target name="create-graphs" depends="create-reports">
        <ac:for param="reportType" list="AggregateReport,HitsPerSecond,ResponseTimesPercentiles,ThroughputOverTime,ThroughputVsThreads,TimesVsThreads,ResponseTimesOverTime,ThreadsStateOverTime,TransactionsPerSecond">
                <java jar="${jmeter.home}/lib/ext/CMDRunner.jar" fork="true">
                    <arg value="--tool"/>
                    <arg value="Reporter"/>
                    <arg value="--generate-png"/>
                    <arg value="${result.path}/@{reportType}.png"/>
                    <arg value="--input-jtl"/>
                    <arg value="${result.path}/JMeterResults.xml"/>
                    <arg value="--plugin-type"/>
                    <arg value="@{reportType}"/>
                    <arg value="--width"/>
                    <arg value="800"/>
                    <arg value="--height"/>
                    <arg value="600"/>


Priyank Shah


  • As far as I know, Servers Performance Monitoring listener saves results in its own separate result file, not the common result file. So you should use this separate file for reporting.