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Windows Phone: How to add custom confirmation dialog in OnBackKeyPress

I am going to implement custom confirmation dialog in OnBackKeyPress method. It is easy to do with native message box:

protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs e)

  MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Text");

    e.Cancel = true;

It works, but I dislike limitation with two buttons so I am looking for something else.

I have checked WPtoolkit:

private bool m_cansel = false;
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs e)

  if (!m_cansel)
    e.Cancel = true;
    m_cansel = true;
    var messageBox = new CustomMessageBox
        Title = "Title",
        Message = "Message",
        RightButtonContent = "aas",
        IsLeftButtonEnabled = false,
    messageBox.Dismissed += (sender, args) =>

And Coding4Fun:

private bool m_cansel = false;
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs e)

  if (!m_cansel)
    e.Cancel = true;
    m_cansel = true;
    var messageBox = new MessagePrompt 
        Title = "Title",
        Message = "Message",
    messageBox.Completed += (sender, args) =>
        //throw new NotImplementedException();

Both looks good, but don't work in OnBackKeyPress method (show and immediately disappear without any my action).

Moreover, I've tried XNA:

private bool m_cansel = false;
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs e)

  if (!m_cansel)
    e.Cancel = true;
    m_cansel = true;
    Guide.BeginShowMessageBox("Version of Windows", "Pick a version of Windows.",
                              new List<string> {"Vista", "Seven"}, 0, MessageBoxIcon.Error,
                              asyncResult =>
                                  int? returned = Guide.EndShowMessageBox(asyncResult);
                                }, null);

It works as I expected (has customs in OnBackKeyPress method), but I don't sure that using XNA inside Silverlight app is good practice.

So, I am looking a way to use WPtoolkit or Coding4Fun windows inside OnBackKeyPress method or any explanation about using XNA inside Silverlight app (any recomendation or info about approval such kind app by store).


  • Just use the dispatcher to delay the messagebox until you get out of the OnBackKeyPress event, and it should work:

    private bool m_cansel = false;
    protected override void OnBackKeyPress(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
        if (!m_cansel)
            e.Cancel = true;
            m_cansel = true;
            var messageBox = new CustomMessageBox
                    Title = "Title",
                    Message = "Message",
                    RightButtonContent = "aas",
                    IsLeftButtonEnabled = false,
            messageBox.Dismissed += (sender, args) =>

    Alternatively, you can use the BackKeyPress event instead of overriding the OnBackKeyPress method. This way, you don't need to use the dispatcher:

    privatevoid Page_BackKeyPress(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
        if (!m_cansel)
            e.Cancel = true;
            m_cansel = true;
            var messageBox = new CustomMessageBox
                Title = "Title",
                Message = "Message",
                RightButtonContent = "aas",
                IsLeftButtonEnabled = false,
            messageBox.Dismissed += (s, args) =>

    And in the XAML:
