I'm trying to use the freebase javascript api. The following doesn't return any results ...
var query = [{'type':'/people/person','id':null,'name':null}];
gapi.client.load('freebase', 'v1', function(){
var request = gapi.client.freebase.mqlread({'query': JSON.stringify(query)});
request.execute(function(response) {
I know the query is good because I tested that out with the mql editor. The api key is good because I use that with gapi.client.request. Are the gapi.client.freebase calls currently functional?
I figured it out. The Javascript interface is a little different from the Java interface. The response is the result. This worked ...
var query = [{'type':'/people/person','id':null,'name':null}];
gapi.client.load('freebase', 'v1', function(){
var request = gapi.client.freebase.mqlread({'query': JSON.stringify(query)});
request.execute(function(response) {