First of all , I use EF into Dal layer (separeted project from MVC, same solution). The generated models from EF's EDMX file are the actual models from Model layer?? If so, how do I access these models to work in MVC's View layer? I think it's wrong accessing data layer directly from view to work with these models, and If I make a Model layer with "my models" and translate Dal's models into mine models... it'll be duplicated code.
Probably I'm getting something wrong, but most of egs. are with code first approach, and I can't figure out this.
You are right in your idea of not accessing access the Models in your DAL directly from your presentation layer.
To avoid duplicating code when translating your DAL objects into the Models used by your views, you could use something like AutoMapper, which is supposed to do the heavylifting for you in exactly that scenario.