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Angular ui grid how to show a loader

I'm wondering how to show a simple loader before data was loaded. I'm using ng-grid-1.3.2 I'm googling but I didn't find any example. Bye


  • like Maxim Shoustin suggested you can use the angularjs-spinner from Jim Lavin which uses (deprecated) Response Interceptors.

    I think it's explained best here :

    In a nutshell, in his first solution, what you have to do for your ng-grid app is:

    1) Add the loading gif to your html (for loading gif look here)

    <div id="loadingWidget" class="row-fluid ui-corner-all" style="padding: 0 .7em;" loading-widget >
        <div class="loadingContent">
                <img alt="Loading  Content" src="images/ajax-loader.gif" /> Loading

    2) In your code as soon as you have declared your app level module add the Response Interceptors for http requests to the configuration block

    var app = angular.module('myCoolGridApp', ['ngGrid']);
    app.constant('_START_REQUEST_', '_START_REQUEST_');
    app.constant('_END_REQUEST_', '_END_REQUEST_');
    app.config(['$httpProvider', '_START_REQUEST_', '_END_REQUEST_', function ($httpProvider, _START_REQUEST_, _END_REQUEST_) {
        var $http,
         interceptor = /* see extra details on */

    3) and then add your loadingWidget directive

    app.directive('loadingWidget', ['_START_REQUEST_', '_END_REQUEST_', function (_START_REQUEST_, _END_REQUEST_) {
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        link: function (scope, element) {
            scope.$on(_START_REQUEST_, function () {;});
            scope.$on(_END_REQUEST_, function () {element.hide();});

    See more details at codingsmackdown