I'm trying to develop a music player using Qt, QML & CPP. I'm new to this kind of development (related to multimedia). I want some insights from you on how other Music Players work.
My first hurdle is how should I maintain the Library Info.? -- All the Metadata of each file, their locations etc. I thought of having a Database. As I'm using Qt, It provides SQLite internally. So, I'm opting for creating a Database which contains all the metadata of each music file (.mp3) Will this be feasible if we have lot of mp3 files. Say, 40K files. So, it comes to almost 40K records in a DB table. Then will this SQLite works well ? Are there any alternatives for maintaining the media library?
Hope I'm clear, I can elaborate if specified.
Thanks in Advance, inblueswithu
Then will this SQLite works well ? Are there any alternatives for maintaining the media library?
In short, yes, SQLite will work.
There are various media players like this this out there using SQLite for embedded systems, and they work fine for this requirement. The limits are documented on the official website.
If you plan to have a QtQML application, I would suggest using the QtSql module for handling the database, and QtMultimedia for the audio part. I would also recommend QtQuick controls for the UI part.
Here you can find the module documentations for those:
QtSql: https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtsql/qtsql-index.html
QtMultimedia: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtmultimedia/qtmultimedia-index.html
QtQuick Controls: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtquickcontrols/qtquickcontrols-index.html