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Add language key into script src via jsp/esp

I have to use multiple languages of Recaptcha on a website which is programmed in jsp and serverside-javascript and uses Liferay.

Now since Recapchas language option is buggy, the only way to change the language of the plugin is by adding &hl=de (german for example) after the public key in the script tag.

My question is now: can i use something like this?

<script type="text/javascript"
        src="<%= liferay-ui:message key="captchalang"%>">

I've defined the different language keys already in my language config files. I just need to get the value of it into the src""

I know this isn't much information but I just started working as a programmer and i've never seen something like jsp/serverside-javascript before(so I have little to no idea of how this works...).

Thanks and Cheers



  • Instead of

     <%= liferay-ui:message key="captchalang"%>


     <liferay-ui:message key="captchalang"></liferay-ui:message>

    because this liferay thing is apparently a tag library.

    That also means at the top of your JSP you will need to include the tag library. It should look something like this:

     <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="liferay-ui" %>

    and you will also need to put the jar file of the tag library in the right spot on the server.