I'm using JSLint to make my (working) code a bit cleaner.
It's a useful tool, but it doesn't like at all this:
switch (process.argv.length) {
case 9:
LOG = process.argv[8];
case 8:
EMERGENCY = process.argv[7];
case 1:
case 0:
JSLint say:
Missing 'case'.
Expected '}' to match 'switch' and instead saw 'case'
Expected '9' at column 5, not column 10.
Expected ';' and instead saw ':'
Expected ':' at column 5, not column 11
Unexpected ':'
All on the 'case 9:' line
I've putted default as first to don t block the app if the user put too much arguments.
I could put it at the end and copy paste all the pass-throught in it, but I don t like the idea, or make all of this in nested if, but it would be unreadable.
Is there a way to make JSLint accept this?
Here the code that was handling the role of the switch case in a older version (which accepted less arguments:
if (process.argv.length>=3){
if (process.argv.length>=5)
if (process.argv.length>=6)
if (process.argv.length>=7)
As you can see, the switch is a lot more readable than thoses nested if, even if it make me use default in a unusual way.
You need to have a break;
in your default case too.
Sorry, I didn't quite understand your question. First of all, in your edited version, there's no need to nest each if statement. Also, what do those variables (for example, DOWNLOAD_DIR) equal if these conditions aren't met? Can't you do something on the lines of:
DOWNLOAD_DIR = (process.argv[2] !== undefined) ? PATH + process.argv[2] : '';
DOWNLOAD_ADD = (process.argv[3] !== undefined) ? process.argv[3] : '';
// etc, etc
Then you can add at the end:
LOG = (process.argv.length >= 9) ? process.argv[8] : '';
In your case, it sounds like you'd want to set those empty strings as the default value, meaning the whole thing could be done in a very small amount of code, for example:
var DOWNLOAD_DIR = (process.argv[2] !== undefined) ? PATH + process.argv[2] : '/downloads';