What I am trying to do?
- For testing, I want to set serverKey
and validity
for my application and want cargo to inject into TokenUtils, so these values are available when the application is loaded
What I have tried?
I am using JBoss
as Container and the relevant code is
public class TokenUtils {
public static final String AUTH_TOKEN = "X-BB-AUTH";
public static final String BB_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY = "auth.key";
public static final String BB_AUTH_VALIDITY = "auth.validity";
private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile(":");
private String serverPrivateKey;
private long validity;
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TokenUtils.class);
public TokenUtils() {
public TokenUtils(@Nonnull @Configuration(BB_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY) final String serverPrivateKey,
@Configuration(BB_AUTH_VALIDITY) final long validity) {
this.serverPrivateKey = serverPrivateKey;
this.validity = validity;
LOGGER.info("serverPrivateKey:" + serverPrivateKey);
LOGGER.info("validity:" + validity);
Also, I have META-INF/beans.xml
in the src/main/resources
of the same package where TokenUtils
is created, so bean instantiation is not a problem I guess
I want the values to be injected when cargo instantiate the bean, so I set the values in pom.xml
When I start cargo, I see the following happening
INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 06:07:08,068 INFO [org.jboss.as.ejb3.deployment.processors.EjbJndiBindingsDeploymentUnitProcessor] (MSC service thread 1-1) JNDI bindings for session bean named TokenUtils in deployment unit deployment "market.war" are as follows:
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer]
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] java:global/market/TokenUtils!com.org.proj.service.authentication.TokenUtils
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] java:app/market/TokenUtils!com.com.proj.service.authentication.TokenUtils
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] java:module/TokenUtils!com.com.proj.service.authentication.TokenUtils
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] java:global/market/TokenUtils
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] java:app/market/TokenUtils
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] java:module/TokenUtils
- But the values are serverPrivateKey=null
and validity=0
- Moreover, during bean instantiation, I should be able to see LOGGER.info
values, but I can't find them in logs
What is that I am doing wrong?
I realized the fault. I was not using @Inject
in my TokenUtils
constructor. The following change fixed it
public TokenUtils(@Nonnull @Configuration(BB_AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY) final String serverPrivateKey,
@Configuration(BB_AUTH_VALIDITY) final long validity) {
this.serverPrivateKey = serverPrivateKey;
this.validity = validity;
LOGGER.info("serverPrivateKey:" + serverPrivateKey);
LOGGER.info("validity:" + validity);
With that I could see values in logs as following
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 06:39:30,042 INFO [com.org.proj.commons.cdi.config.ConfigurationProvider] (http-- getProperty(auth.key) is secure
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 06:39:30,043 INFO [com.org.proj.commons.cdi.config.ConfigurationProvider] (http-- getProperty(auth.validity) is 720000