Search code examples

Number of likes for the FB post

In my app I wanna explicitly show number of likes for any particular post. Is there a API call available to get this info using the POST ID from FaceBook?


  • I located solution for this myself. This is how I did

    - (IBAction)likes_count:(id)sender {
        [self requestGraph: @"123456789876543?fields=likes.limit(1000)" sender:^(int count) {
            textView.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", count];
            likesCount = 0;
    -(void)requestGraph: (NSString*) fbRequest sender: (void (^)(int count))callback {
        likes_count.enabled = FALSE;
        FBRequest *like = [FBRequest requestForGraphPath:fbRequest];
        [like startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection, id result, NSError *error)  {
            if(likesCount == 0)
                likesCount = [result [@"likes"][@"data"]  count];
                likesCount = likesCount + [result [@"data"]  count];
            if (result [@"likes"][@"paging"] [@"next"] != NULL) {
                [self requestGraph:[result [@"likes"][@"paging"] [@"next"] substringFromIndex:27] sender:callback ];
            else if (result [@"paging"] [@"next"]  != NULL)
                [self requestGraph:[result [@"paging"] [@"next"] substringFromIndex:27] sender:callback];
            else {
                likes_count.enabled = TRUE;