i'm learning html5 and canvas interaction from here
here is some part of code
function handleComplete() {
exportRoot = new lib.PlatypusGame();
stage = new Stage(canvas);
// add the listener to window, so we can do some work before updating the stage:
function tick() {
if (platypii.length < 1 || Math.random() < 0.01 && platypii.length < 5) {
var platypus = new lib.Platypus();
platypus.scaleX = platypus.scaleY = Math.random()*0.3+0.3;
platypus.x = 800;
// nominalBounds holds the dimensions of the first frame of the symbol at export time.
platypus.y = Math.random()*(400-platypus.scaleY*platypus.nominalBounds.height);
platypus.velX = (1+platypus.scaleX)*-6;
platypus.velY = 0;
// we only want to know about clicks on the balloon, not the whole platypus:
platypus.platypusIdle.balloon.onClick = handleBalloonClick;
platypus.onPopped = handleBalloonPopped;
// go in reverse to make it easier to splice items from the array
for (var i=platypii.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
platypus = platypii[i];
// add gravity to the Y velocity if it's falling:
if (platypus.falling) { platypus.velY += 3; }
platypus.x += platypus.velX;
platypus.y += platypus.velY;
if (platypus.x < -platypus.nominalBounds.width*platypus.scaleX || platypus.y > 400) {
// add +100 points if it fell or -500 if it escaped
updateScore(platypus.y > 400 ? 100 : -500);
i'm trying to alter it the Platypus to move in wave by changing platypus.velY = 0; to platypus.velY = Math.sin(platypus.x) * 5; , but not successful, any ideas?
You need to add a tick-counter, the wavemovement should be something periodical.
At the beginning of each tick() you increase the counter by 1 tickCounter++;
and your velocity would be:
platypus.velY = Math.sin(tickCounter * frequency) * amplitude
However due to irregularities in JS computing-time this might actually move the platypus
, so if you want your object to remain on the same spot and just wave up and down it is safer to do the following:
// at init
platypus.baseY = platypus.y = Math.random()*(400-platypus.scaleY*platypus.nominalBounds.height);
// in the tick()
platypus.y = platypus.baseY + Math.sin(tickCounter * frequency) * amplitude;
If you want your platypii not to all wave in the same rythm you can then add a ticker-offset for each platypus: platypus.tickOffset = Math.random()*2*Math.PI
at init and user this in the tick:
platypus.y = platypus.baseY + Math.sin((tickCounter+platypus.tickOffset) * frequency) * amplitude;