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refreshing jquery datatables mapped knockout binding

I have a knockOUtDataTable that is bound to a mapped observable array

I am needing to refresh the dataTables binding via ajax.

it is originally created by using the following mapping options to map it to the obversable Array called batchHistories

var mappingOptions = {
            'batchHistories': {
                create: function (options) {
                    return new BatchHistoryViewModel(, dataContext);
                key: function (batchHistory) {
                    return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(batchHistory.Id);

ko.mapping.fromJSON(data, self);

I am doing the following to refresh the binding and the dataTable but when it runs this the data doesn't change when it should. If I refresh the whole page them it is up to date.

        self.refresh = function () {
                $.when(this.dataContext.getBatchHistories(0, "Any"))
                    .done(function (result) {
                            ko.mapping.fromJSON(result, self);


do I need to redo the mapping or anything here? can you see what I am missing?

the createDataTable function just has the jqueryDataTable jquery stuff.


  • my issue was the data being returned was not being recognized as JSON so changing it to

    ko.mapping.fromJS(result, self);

    did the trick