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Maven archetypes not appearing in m2eclipse Nexus indexer

I'm setting up a new workstation for Java development in Eclipse. On my previous machine, I don't recall having to do anything special to see the standard collection of archetypes under 'New > Other > Maven project > select archetype' with Nexus Indexer selected. On this machine, the list of archetypes is empty. I can create archetype-based projects from the command line, so it's not a show-stopper, but I just don't understand why the archetypes are missing (and it makes me wonder what else is broken that I haven't noticed yet).

Eclipse 3.5.1, Sun JDK 1.6.0_17, m2Eclipse


  • Works fine here with the following configuration: Eclipse 3.5.1 20090920-1017, Sun JDK 6u16, m2eclipse

    alt text

    Are you sure m2eclipse has finished downloading nexus-maven-repository-index.gz from the maven central repository? Does this file looks "good"?

    BTW, the index is stored in the plugin's metadata location which is <workspace root>/.metadata/.plugins/org.maven.ide.eclipse/nexus. As workaround, you could maybe try to copy the index from the machine where everything works to this destination on the "buggy" machine. But this shouldn't be necessary, things should just work.