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Can I delete some folders of nokogiri and capybara-webkit inside of my rvm gemset?

I was using a disk analyzer and I noticed in my .rvm folder two gems, nokogiri and capybara-webkit, bigger than the usual:

enter image description here

Checking inside of them I found that for nokogiri there is a temp folder and for capybara-webkit a source folder.

enter image description here

My question is: Is it safe to delete these folders?(Yeah, I'm a greedy disk space saver) and why nokogiri is creating that temporary folder? Because I have another gemset (with a lower version of ruby and nokogiri) and there isn't creating that folder.

enter image description here


  • Yes, you can remove the tmp directory.

    If you don't have a new-enough version of libxml2 or libxslt nokogiri downloads and builds it for you to link against. Unfortunately RubyGems doesn't ask the nokogiri to clean up after itself at this time, so these build artifacts are left around.