I am using some .NET assembly from MATLAB which produces a System.Drawing.Bitmap
object. I would like to get a MATLAB matrix with the pixels out of it. How do you do that?
I don't want to save the image to disk and then use imread
Based on Jeroen's answer, here is the MATLAB code to do the conversion:
% make sure the .NET assembly is loaded
% read image from file as Bitmap
bmp = System.Drawing.Bitmap(which('football.jpg'));
w = bmp.Width;
h = bmp.Height;
% lock bitmap into memory for reading
bmpData = bmp.LockBits(System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, w, h), ...
System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bmp.PixelFormat);
% get pointer to pixels, and copy RGB values into an array of bytes
num = abs(bmpData.Stride) * h;
bytes = NET.createArray('System.Byte', num);
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bmpData.Scan0, bytes, 0, num);
% unlock bitmap
% cleanup
clear bmp bmpData num
% convert to MATLAB image
bytes = uint8(bytes);
img = permute(flipdim(reshape(reshape(bytes,3,w*h)',[w,h,3]),3),[2 1 3]);
% show result
The last statement can be hard to understand. It is in fact equivalent to the following:
% bitmap RGB values are interleaved: b1,g1,r1,b2,g2,r2,...
% and stored in a row-major order
b = reshape(bytes(1:3:end), [w,h])';
g = reshape(bytes(2:3:end), [w,h])';
r = reshape(bytes(3:3:end), [w,h])';
img = cat(3, r,g,b);
The result: