I hava following spring xml configuration
<bean id="connectionFactory"
<constructor-arg value="xxxxxxxx"/>
<property name="username" value="xxxxx"/>
<property name="password" value="xxxxx"/>
<property name="channelCacheSize" value="25"/>
<property name="virtualHost" value="/"/>
<property name="port" value="3453"/>
<rabbit:template id="tutorialTemplate" connection-factory="connectionFactory"/>
<!-- 1st queue -->
<rabbit:queue id="veliteQueue" name="ES_queue" durable="true" auto-delete="false" exclusive="false"/>
<rabbit:direct-exchange id="myExchange" durable="true" name="ES_exchange">
<rabbit:binding queue="veliteQueue" key="logstash"></rabbit:binding>
<!-- 2nd Queue -->
<rabbit:queue id="veliteQueue1" name="ES_queue_Temp" durable="true" auto-delete="false" exclusive="false"/>
<rabbit:direct-exchange id="myExchange1" durable="true" name="ES_exchange_temp">
<rabbit:binding queue="ES_queue_Temp" key="logstash_temp"></rabbit:binding>
<!-- 2 Listeners for 2 queue's mentioned above -->
<bean id="aListener" class="com.vzw.es.cosumer.SpringMessageListener" autowire="byName"/>
<bean id="aListener1" class="com.vzw.es.cosumer.SpringMessageListener1" autowire="byName"/>
<rabbit:listener-container id="myListenerContainer" connection-factory="connectionFactory" acknowledge="auto" prefetch="750" concurrency="1">
<rabbit:listener ref="aListener" queues="veliteQueue"/>
<rabbit:listener ref="aListener1" queues="veliteQueue1"/>
Now in my Java code I have 2 Listener classes: com.vzw.es.cosumer.SpringMessageListener and com.vzw.es.cosumer.SpringMessageListener1. Now When I am running my main class only 1 listener's onMessage method is getting invoked i.e. SpringMessageListener1, I did check from RabbitMQ prespective and bothe queues have enough messages to consume.
Also when I comment out the 2nd queue and its listener from xml SpringMessageListener works perfectly.
It's a bug in the container parser, each listener gets its own container (the namespace is just a convenient way to specify common attributes). If you remove the id="myListenerContainer"
, it will work - because each container gets a (different) generated name. With the id specified, both beans get the same name, and the last definition replaces the first.
Alternatively, declare two separate container elements, with different IDs, and each having just one listener.
Thanks for finding this.
Please open a JIRA issue
EDIT: This issue was resolved in version 1.2.1.