I have a code error but not sure what's wrong with my casting and reference.
BOOL xMBPortSerialPutByte( CHAR ucByte )
CDC_Send_DATA(&((unsigned char)ucByte), 1); // code error here
return TRUE;
The CDC_Send_DATA is defined as the following:
uint32_t CDC_Send_DATA (uint8_t *ptrBuffer, uint8_t Send_length);
Here is the error message:
port/portserial.c:139:19: error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
Hope someone could help. Thanks!
The cast operation causes a conversion, yielding an rvalue. An rvalue doesn't have an address, so you can't operate on it with a unary &
. You need to take the address and then cast that:
CDC_Send_DATA((unsigned char *)&ucByte, 1);
But to be most correct, you should probably match the argument type in the cast:
CDC_Send_DATA((uint8_t *)&ucByte, 1);
Checking the return value would probably be a good idea too.