I'm pretty sure this is a bug in chrome as it doesn't happen in IE 10 and it just started recently, but basically when making an AJAX call to a URL and the user refreshes the browser during the request, all requests to the same url will fail after that. Even if I refresh the browser again, the request fails. The only way I could get around it is by adding a timestamp to make every request unique but this seems like a hack. Am I missing something here?
If you have an aborted request, this will never work again:
function (result) {
// Do stuff
).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// No error message comes back
Yet this works every time:
$.getJSON("realTimeActivity/GetRealTimeData?u=" + (new Date).getTime(),
function (result) {
// Do stuff
).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// No error message comes back
I could just leave it but I'd like to understand why this is and not need this hack.
It is because of cacheing, and because the URL is the same as it was before, hence why it ignores it. By appending a timestamp, makes the URL different, and each request goes through.
Another option is setting cache to false (with .ajax()) which interestingly enough, simply appends a timestamp for you.
/* ... */
cache: false