Good day everyone.
I have a task: make custom header, well, header itself is made, but i got following trouble:
i have custom html string for header ie :
var str = "
<tr><th colspan='2'>global</th><tr>
<tr><th><img src='generateonflypath' /></th><th><img src='generateonflypath' /></th><tr>
And when i apply it like this:
afterRender: function () {$('.htCore > thead').html(str);}
My HOT height remains same and lowest rows are unseen until i click on any cell. How to fix this issue? ('beforerender' event works even worse)
Thanks for Your time!
After few days of rough experiments I've ended with this solution:
afterRender: function () { //add custom header
$('.htCore > thead').html(jsonObj.Headers);
//add container resize event handler for images that loaded in header
$('.htCore > thead img').load(function(){
The idea behind this, is to change height of HOT's main table container. I think others can do just same with other events, not only load img, but change text etc...
Hope this helps someone!