So I need to loop through some files in an array, and increase the number contained in the line by the number of ")_Graph_S1.dat" files in the directory below. I next need to rename the file to with the replaced number so that plate0013 (44)_Graph_S1.dat
would become plate0013 (88)_Graph_S1.dat
if there were 44 files in the below directory. For example, I'm working in the directory: plate0013\2nd run\
. I need to rename the files in the directory \2nd run\
based on the number of ")_Graph_S1.dat" files in the plate0013
I'm using windows 7 and strawberry perl.
I have tried the code located here:, but my output is not changed.
I haven't figured out how to get a count of the files in the previous directory, so I have used the filler 44
until I'm no longer stuck. Here are the important parts of my code:
my @array = glob('*)_Graph_S1.dat');
foreach (@array) {
my $in = $_;
$in =~ s/(\d+)\)/$1+44/e;
rename $_, %in;
My problem is that I need to include the parenthetical in the new name, and I cannot figure out how to do this.
I've never used regular expressions before, and I haven't programmed in perl since 1995. My google skills have failed me. Thank you for reading and for your replies.
So thanks to @TLP, I've figured out why my system code wasn't outputting properly. But I've discovered a problem with my Regular Expression. My files are named like plate 0013 (01)_Graph_S1.dat
. But it does not include the parenthetical in the new name.
Assuming that @array
contains files from 2nd run
use strict;
use warnings;
my @array = glob('*)_Graph_S1.dat');
# forcing list context => perldoc -f glob
my $number_of_files_in_dir_below = @{[ glob('../*)_Graph_S1.dat') ]};
foreach (@array) {
my $in = $_;
$in =~ s/(\d+)\)/$1+$number_of_files_in_dir_below .")"/e;
rename $_, $in;