I've been shown that a std::string
cannot be inserted into a boost::lockfree::queue
is too valuable to abandon, so I think I could use very large, fixed length char
s to pass the data according to the requirements (assuming that even satifies since I'm having trouble learning about how to satisfy these requirements), but that will eat up memory if I want large messages.
Does a dynamically-sized text object with a copy constructor, a trivial assignment operator, and a trivial destructor exist? If so, where? If not, please outline how to manifest one.
A dynamically-size type with a trivial copy ctor/dtor is not possible. There are two solutions to your problem, use a fixed sized type, or store pointers in the queue:
boost::lockfree::queue<std::string*> queue(some_size);
// push on via new
queue.push(new std::string("blah"));
// pop and delete
std::string* ptr;
delete ptr;