To play a SHOUTcast stream on my website I am using JPlayer and in particular the CirclePlayer. When playing normal MP3 files it shows the progress of a track: there is a green progress bar that shows how much of the current track has played, but with a SHOUTcast stream this does not work.
I have been doing some research and it seems impossible to make it work for streams:
doesn't give the length of the current trackAm I correct that it is impossible (or at least very difficult and inaccurate) to show the progress of the current track in a SHOUTcast stream? If not, how can I do it?
It seems that it cannot be done:
SHOUTcast streams were never intended to indicate per-song position as it can be done but requires protocol changes and everything from the source software to the client player to cope with and support it.