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How to resolve the "Inconsistent accessibility" error in C#

I have an error in C#. My code gives the error

Inconsistent accessibility: field type 'Rotanet.RN_BUDGET_SETTINGS' is less accessible than field 'Rotanet.BudgetSettingsDetailFrm.aBudgetSettings'.

I know it is about PUBLIC/PROTECTED/PRIVATE modifiers, but I couldn't understand what I should do to fix it.

Here is my code that gives the error:

namespace Rotanet
  public partial class BudgetSettingsDetailFrm : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm
    public RN_BUDGET_SETTINGS aBudgetSettings = null; //***** this gives the error

    public BudgetSettingsDetailFrm()

    private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


and the RN_BUDGET_SETTINGS is a simple class like below...

namespace Rotanet

    #region Properties
    public dynamic ID { get; set; }
    public dynamic TANIM { get; set; }
    public dynamic DEGER { get; set; }


How can I fix this problem?


  • You need to define the RN_BUDGET_SETTINGS class as being Public:

    public class RN_BUDGET_SETTINGS : RN_AUDIT

    or define the aBudgetSettings as internal/private:

    private RN_BUDGET_SETTINGS aBudgetSettings = null;

    Your problem is that you have defined a public field so it is visible outside your project, however the class that you can read/write to the field isn't public. Externally this means you can set a value, but you've not been told the contract/information about the thing you can set.