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Try-with-resources scope of resource

In the try-with-resources construct of Java 7, I can declare a resource in the try statement, and it will be closed automatically when it goes out of scope.

However, I don't find any indication of the scope of the resource made available. Specifically, is it available in the catch/finally blocks of the try block where it is declared?

I tried the following in Eclipse Kepler, but it's giving a mixed impression:

Resource variable is made available by Content Assist (Code Completion):

Content Assist suggests resource

Quick Fix suggests changing to resource variable, but this recursively produces the same problem it's trying to fix:

Redundant suggestion in Quick Fix

I would like to know what the correct scope limitation is, before raising a bug in the Eclipse Bug Tracker.


  • This syntax is called Extended try-with-resources

    As per JLS:

    try ResourceSpecification

    Will be translated to:

    try {
        try ResourceSpecification

    So, in your example, your resource will be limited to inner try block, so not available for outer try/catch/finally.


    my question does not have nested try blocks

    By explicitly adding catch/finally block in your code, you are introducing nested try blocks.