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Radio buttons and behavior work, but when translating working radio buttons to icheck plug in, I can't figure out one easy line

Here is the coffee script that effects the behavior on radio buttons. Example can be found here:

$(document).on 'change', '.stepRadio', ->
      $container = $(@).closest('.stepCreator')
      $container.find(".excelCreator, .videoCreator, .mcCreator").hide()
      if @value is "video"
      else if @value is "excel"
      else if @value is "multiple_choice"
    # This initializes things. Since I have `:checked => true`
    # on the first radio button, `:checked` will always match one
    # radio button.

Here is an attempt to translate the above to iCheck. However, I have problems on the last line of the code, in which I am trying to initalize the coffeescript.

 $(document).on 'ifChecked', '.stepRadio', ->
    $container = $(@).closest('.stepCreator')
    $container.find(".excelCreator, .videoCreator, .mcCreator").hide()
    if @value is "video"
    else if @value is "excel"
    else if @value is "multiple_choice"
# This does not initialize things, as it should:

I tried a couple of other things to initialize the code as well, such as


Nothing has worked.

Any help would be appreciated. Here is icheck:


  • The last line I was looking for was :
