I was trying to install MvvmCross in a PCL project using Xamarin Studio. Until now I was using visual studio 2012, I had a similar problem over there that was solved, through this post: Can't install MVVMCross on PCL project
But now the problem appears again in Xamarin Studio. The only fix I found is in this link: http://www.nuget.org/packages/MvvmCross.PortableSupport/
a new version of MvvmCross from the awesome @Stuart Lodge. But i couldn't manage to install the package because Xamarin Studio is lacking the Package Manager Console..
How do I install an MvvmCross on a PCL in Xamarin Studio?
Well, just found on the "N+1 days" of Stuart a video of how to fix the problem on Xamarin Studio here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC2r4mmj3UI&feature=youtube_gdata
The fix is to open and edit the csproj. of the PCL project, and change the TargetFrameworkProfile element value to Profile104