I'm attempting to use JCLouds via Clojure and would like to use the blobstore abstraction to create containers and then enable CDN serving on those containers. So far I haven't had much success.
I'm not a Java programmer so I'm not quite sure how to approach this, but it does appear there is a method that does what I need. That said, I'm unsure how to use that with org.jclouds.blobstore2
What is the best way to achieve this in Clojure?
It turns out that via a Java example I was able to figure out the proper codepath for this in Clojure:
(defn- enable-cdn [bs container]
(blobstore/blobstore-context bs)
(.enableCDN container)))
This will enable the CDN for a given container provided a valid blobstore instance. Maybe this will save someone else some time later.