I'm working on a web browser. Once the textbox isn't selected anymore it should remove http:// and the last /. To do that I'm using the leave method of the textbox. This code works perfectly fine with the normal WebBrowser.
if (W.DocumentTitle != "")
q.Text = "" + W.Url;
q.Text = q.Text.Replace("http://www.", "");
q.Text = q.Text.Replace("https://www.", "");
q.Text = q.Text.Replace("http://", "");
q.Text = q.Text.Replace("https://", "");
if (q.Text.EndsWith("/"))
q.Text = q.Text.Substring(0, q.Text.Length - 1);
In GeckoFX however the textbox still displays http:// and /!?!?!
if you want take only domain name try this
q.Text = myGeckoWebBrowser.Url.Domain;
If you want only the local path try this
q.Text = myGeckoWebBrowser.Url.LocalPath;
And if you want both try this
q.Text = myGeckoWebBrowser.Url.Domain + '' + myGeckoWebBrowser.Url.LocalPath;
q.Text = q.Text.Replace("www","")'
I hope it helps