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Using typesafe's config to manage my database connection

This is normally a straight forward problem, but I'm not entirely sure how to solve this in Scala given that it is type sensitive. I have a class where I setup a simple connection to my MongoDB instance. Right now locally, I do the god awful notion of just commenting out the production config lines and uncommenting the local/dev ones. Here's what each one looks like:

// production
object MongoReplicaConnection {
    def mongoDb = {
      val addresses = List(new ServerAddress("" , 27017),  new ServerAddress("" , 27017),  new ServerAddress("" , 27017))
      val mongoConn = MongoConnection(addresses) 
      val db = mongoConn("mydb")

// local development
object MongoReplicaConnection {
    def mongoDb = {
      val mongoConn = MongoConnection() 
      val db = mongoConn("mydb_local")

In as far as getting the database name passed in, that's trivial - it's just grabbing a string from the config file. Where I'm not able to think of a clean solution is how to handle the fact that I use a List of ServerAddress instances to initialize MongoConnection() vs not passing any List to MongoConnection in a local/dev setup.

How can you use a tool like typesafe's config here? I'm assuming I can just pass an empty List/array to MongoConnection() for a local db connection, but I'm not entirely sure how I can config the production database without modifying the mongoDb function. I've been looking at a tool such as this to help me with the process:


  • You can use the type safe config for this purpose.
    You will have to define a file called application.conf which should be present in your classpath.
    Typesafe config works by reading configurations defined in application.conf, reference.conf etc.
    So first create a file called application.conf which should be in application classpath and define the configuration values like this {
      production {
        mongodb {
          servers=["", ""]
      development {
        mongodb {
          servers=["", ""]
      local {
        mongodb {

    Code to read the values will look something like this

     import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
     import com.typesafe.config.Config
     object MongoReplicaConnection {
     def mongoDb = {
       val configNamespace = ""
       val mergedCfg = ConfigFactory.load().getConfig(configNamespace)
       val env = getEnvironment // a util function, returns development or productoin or local
       // environment can be passed as jvm args and read from System properties
       val envCfg = mergedCfg.getConfig(env)
       val serverCfg = envCfg.getConfig("mongodb")
       val servers = serverCfg.getStringList("servers")
       // Servers will be a returned as List of Strings
       val pwd = serverCfg.getString("password")
       val addresses = servers map { new ServerAddress(_ , 27017) }
       val mongoConn = MongoConnection(addresses) 
       val db = mongoConn("mydb")