Can I use static
methods in my ASP.NET Pages
and UserControls
classes if they don't use any instance members? I.e.:
protected void gridView_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
gridStatement.DataSource = CreateDataSource();
gridStatement.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
private static DataTable CreateDataSource()
using (var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT foobar"))
var table = new DataTable();
new SqlDataAdapter(command).Fill(table);
return table;
Or this is not thread-safe?
Yes, you can use static methods - they are thread-safe. Each thread will execute in a separate context and therefore any objects created inside a static method will only belong to that thread.
You only need to worry if a static method is accessing a static field, such as a list. But in your example the code is definitely thread-safe.