Search code examples

NullReferenceException Commerce Server Web Service

My code:

        ws.CategoryConfiguration cc = new ws.CategoryConfiguration();
        cc.LoadChildProducts = true;
        cc.ChildProducts.SearchOptions.PropertiesToReturn = new string[] { "BasePrice" };

when I run this, I get a NullReferenceException on the ChildProducts line. I know that string[] is an object because it's right there, so it must be PropertiesToReturn. Anyone know what the issue is? LoadChildProducts works without any issue.


  • You need to new up the SearchOptions object, like this:

    CatalogSearchOptions searchOptions = new CatalogSearchOptions();

    Then you can add the PropertiesToReturn, like this:

    searchOptions.PropertiesToReturn = "BasePrice";

    Finally, you can assign the searchOptions to the CategoryConfiguration.ChildProducts.SearchOptions property, like this:

    cc.ChildProducts.SearchOptions = searchOptions;