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Android spinnerStyle not working

First excuse me for my english.

Im designing a theme (With HoloEveryWhere) and im trying to style default spinner.

The problem is that the spinnerStyle is not working. I'm testing with this layout.

                android:layout_below="@id/etPhone" />

And im using this for my theme.xml..

 <item name="android:spinnerStyle">@style/Coloquium.Spinner.Ruby</item>

and in styles.xml

<style name="Coloquium.Spinner.Ruby" parent="@style/Holo.Spinner.Light">
    <item name="android:background">@drawable/spinner_holo_white</item>

The problem is that the spinner style is never applied (Others styles like edittextstyle or buttonstyle works fine), the background never change, But i tried this style as spinnerItemStyle and work fine, but spinnerItemStyle is the inner view, and i want to style the outer, the spinner.

If i set background directly in the layout node, the background change fine, but i need to set spinnerStyle for all spinners in the theme, not in layout.

I test a lot of post looking for a solution without success.


  • The solution is:

    HoloEveryWhere appear use "spinnerStyle" and not "android:spinnerStyle".

    But really... I can't find the HoloEveryWhere documentation about this. :S