I have a DLL written in C++ which is a wrapper for C# around an LZO library. But for testing purposes I want to know if I can convert the types, so I created a test function that takes in the file's content and size and writes a copy of it.
extern "C"
__declspec(dllexport) void WriteFile(lzo_uint8 * source, int size)
FILE * fileToWrite;
fileToWrite = fopen("test.eix", "wb+");
if (fileToWrite)
fwrite(source, 1, size, fileToWrite);
Here is the image of the code, for better readability: http://i.epvpimg.com/u4mgh.png
I then import it like this:
public static extern void WriteFile(byte[] source, int size);
And call it like this:
byte[] g = ReadFile("raw/roota.eix");
WriteFile(g, g.Length);
The problem is not in the ReadFile function, I checked it. I created a copy from a different file and checked both with checksums.
So, my question is: how should I convert a byte[] to an lzo_uint8* (unsigned char*)?
Got it! I just had to marshal it to an IntPtr, unsigned char * = IntPtr in C#.
Also, to avoid exceptions regarding "not equivalent" types, you need to import the dll as this:
[DllImport(@"GLZO.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]