I've already overloaded operator [ ] to enable element access.
double Matrix::operator[ ](const & int i){
return data[i]; // data[] is a member array: thrust:: device_vector
Matrix m = ... // initialize
std::cout << m[3] << std::endl;
But now I want to access element by index so that assign new value to it.
m[3] = 0.;
I understand the return value of the operator overload function must be an lvalue. I guess I should return a reference, but not sure how this is done. Thanks!
Now I changed my definition to double &, but it still complains:
error: initial value of reference to non-const must be an lvalue
The array refers to a thrust::device_vector, which can be assigned value by index:
Thrust::device_vector<double> M(10);
M[3] = 0.;
Just replace
double ....
double& .....