I need to export SPARQL query results into JSON using Sesame. Should I use the class SPARQLResultsJSONWriter
? How would this be implemented (in Java)?
This is actually explained in the Sesame Repository API user documentation, with code examples to demonstrate.
However, to reiterate: once you have prepared a query by using RepositoryConnection.prepareTupleQuery, you can evaluate the returned TupleQuery object in two ways: one is by calling evaluate()
, in which case the evaluation method will return a TupleQueryResult object. The other is by calling evaluate(TupleQueryResultHandler)
and passing it a TupleQueryResultHandler instance, of which SPARQLResultJSONWriter is a subclass. So all you need to is bring the pieces together, like so:
RepositoryConnection conn = rep.getConnection();
try {
// prepare the query
String queryString = "SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o . }";
TupleQuery query = conn.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryString);
// open a file to write the result to it in JSON format
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("/path/to/output.json");
TupleQueryResultHandler writer = new SPARQLResultJSONWriter(out);
// execute the query and write the result directly to file
finally {