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C#: Handling terminate signal in TCP handler thread?

I am using the TcpClient class in C#.

Each time there is a new tcp connection request, the usual practice is to create a new thread to handle it. And it should be possible for the main thread to terminate these handler threads anytime.

My solution for each of these handler thread is as follows:

1 Check NetworkStream's DataAvailable method
    1.1 If new data available then read and process new data
    1.2 If end of stream then self terminate
2 Check for terminate signal from main thread
    2.1 If terminate signal activated then self terminate
3 Goto 1.

The problem with this polling approach is that all of these handler threads will be taking up significant processor resources and especially so if there is a huge number of these threads. This makes it highly inefficient.

Is there a better way of doing this?


  • See Asynchronous Server Socket Example to learn how to do this the ".NET way", without creating new threads for each request.