I have a web worker that I'm using to poll for information.
Here is the code for starting and stopping the web worker:
var eftWorker = undefined;
that.StartWorker = function () {
if (eftWorker === undefined) {
eftWorker = new Worker('../scripts/ETEL.EftWorker.js');
eftWorker.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
}, false);
eftWorker.addEventListener('error', function(e) {
}, false);
eftWorker.postMessage({ cmd: eftCmdStart });
that.StopWorker = function () {
if (eftWorker !== undefined) {
eftWorker.postMessage({ cmd: eftCmdStop });
eftWorker = undefined;
When I call terminate on the worker, because the worker is polling there seems to be a backlog of unprocessed postmessage events.
I'm setting the web worker to "undefined" on initialisation of the containing view and on termination of the web worker. I believe because of the latter, those unprocessed events are shown as ABORT_ERRORs. Is there an intermediate state that I can use to test the existence of the web worker so that I can allow it to process the outstanding events and therefore avoid the errors?
Or is there a different approach that I might use to avoid the accumulation of errors after terminate is called?
Here is my solution to the problem.
I'm recording the state of the worker in a separate variable in order that I can keep it alive to handle the outstanding messages that are causing the errors.
Also I'm trapping and discarding any errors generated inside the worker itself.
var eftWorker = undefined;
var eftWorkerState = undefined;
var workerStateStarted = 'started';
var workerStateStopped = 'stopped';
var StartWorker = function () {
if (eftWorker === undefined | eftWorkerState !== workerStateStarted) {
eftWorker = new Worker('/scripts/ETEL.EftWorker.js');
eftWorker.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
}, false);
eftWorker.addEventListener('error', function (e) {
}, false);
eftWorker.postMessage({ cmd: eftCmdStart });
eftWorkerState = workerStateStarted;
that.StopWorker = function () {
if (eftWorker !== undefined) {
eftWorker.postMessage({ cmd: eftCmdStop });
eftWorkerState = workerStateStopped;
//eftWorker = undefined;
var EftWorkerResponseHandler = function (msg) {
try {
if (eftWorkerState === workerStateStarted) {
if (msg != '' && msg !== undefined) {
var parser = new DOMParser();
var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(msg, 'text/xml');
var json = $.xmlToJSON(xmlDoc);
} catch (exception) { }
And here's the code from the worker responsible for sending back the status messages.
EftSendGetRequest = function(passedUrl) {
if (xmlHttpReq === undefined) {
xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
try {
xmlHttpReq.open("GET", passedUrl, false);
} catch (e) { }
return xmlHttpReq.responseText;