I am calling a
SomeEntity someEntity = em.find(EntityPK.Class,entityPK);
and then persist on same primary key
SQLIntegrityContraintViolatinException is thrown that entity with primary key already exist.
while if I changes
and then gets the same entity back with
someEntity = em.find(EntityPK.Class,entityPK);
it gives me back updated someEntity with
returns 'Test'.
Changes in the someEntity are reflected while its removal is not reflected.
I am new to the JPA and any help would be appreciated.
Reincarnating objects is normally not a good idea. It is better to use a new id for a new object, such as a generated id.
If you must reincarnate and object, try doing it in a separate transaction, or at least call flush() after the remove to delete it from the database first.