I am creating a project in extjs using Sencha Architect. It consists of a login application (login.js) which checks for successful login and gets the user's roles and redirects to another application (main.js). I want to pass username and role information into main.js to be accessed by various components for rendering. I am not able to pass these parameters from one application to another, please suggest the right way of doing this.
On successfull login and setting the session attribute with the appropriate login info,you are redirecting to some.jsp which is starting point of main.js
In some.jsp
String userId = (String)session.getAttribute("userID");
<input type="hidden" name="userId" id="userId" value="<%=userId%>"/>
So on you can get the login info on loading the viewport of main.js as :
var username = Ext.get("userID").getValue();
You can then use username throughout the application.