I am trying to find a file with the last write date and copy it to a different location. It finds the file correctly, but when I try to copy it, it can't find the file it just found. This is in a SSIS script task.
DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(@"path");
FileInfo[] files = directory.GetFiles();
//files that have been written to in the last 3 days
DateTime lastWrite = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3);
foreach (FileInfo latestFile in files)
// if its the correct name
if (latestFile.Name.StartsWith("OMC"))
// if its in the last 3 days
if (latestFile.LastWriteTime > lastWrite)
lastWrite = latestFile.LastWriteTime;
// this correctly find the file and puts it into the file variable.
file = latestFile.ToString();
// this errors out saying it cannot find the file.
// (Does not even go to the outputFile)
File.Copy(file, outputFile, true); // <- error
//backs the file up
File.Copy(file, backupfile, true);
returns the name of the file, but in order to copy it, you need the full path. Change
file = latestFile.ToString();
file = latestFile.FullName;
And give it a shot.