I am wondering how to search specific string in big textbox (which contains 200 words) so I can make function to color them. Ex. In textbox there is a sentence "my dog is happy" and i want string "dog" to become red by button or sth else. Is it possible???
Yes, it is possible. But don't use a text box or text area, use a div
with contenteditable = "true"
<div id="editableDiv" class="editable" contenteditable="true">
This is a sentence containing 'dog'.<br />
You can edit the contents of this div.
<button id="highlightBtn">Highlight "dog"</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
highlightBtn.onclick = function() {
var elem = document.getElementById('editableDiv');
elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML.replace(/dog/g,
'<span class="redText">dog</span>');
And don't forget to create the classes redText
and editable
in your stylesheet:
.editable {
padding: 5px;
border: dashed 1px black;
.redText {
color: red;
JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/ProgramFOX/UMMPh/